Saturday, June 28, 2008

Culturing Springtails


1. Container-I use large 5-6 quart clear Tupperware/Rubbermaid/Sterilite.

2. Charcoal

3. Starter Springtail Culture

3. Water free from Chlorine - Chlorine will slow the rate of production. You can use distilled, RO, spring, etc.

4. Springtail food


Task Tips Pictures

Order a starter culture of springtails by clicking the "Online Store" link above If you want the springtails to colonize in your tanks, just dump the culture in your tank or drain off some water from the culture into the terrarium.
Fill the Tupperware 3/4 full of charcoal and dump in the starter culture (you can also buy the charcoal by clicking on the "Online Store" link above)
Add food
Spray down the culture until there is 1/2 to 1 inches of water in the bottom of the container. Humidity is the key. The springtails don't need to swim, but keeping water in their container keeps the humidity up.
Put the lid on. No ventilation is needed.
Every couple of days add food and spray down cultures as water evaporates. Make sure the water level is not too high. The springtails will not utilize any of the charcoal that is under water.


Problem Possible Solution(s)
Springtail culture stinks
  • Cut down on food
Springtails are dead
  • Make sure water is 1/2 to 1 inch deep. They will die if humidity is low.
  • Make sure you are not overfeeding
  • Check temperatures. Temperate springtails like a little cooler than room temp and tropical springtails need it at room temp or higher.

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